The Strategy Sprint

A FREE 5-Day Email Course on How to Escape the Complexity Trap and Simplify Your Business Strategy

Start creating a radically simple, differentiated strategy in just 5 days.

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Is this for me?

If you can’t clearly articulate your strategy in 15 seconds, this free course is for you.

Or, if you recognize any of these challenges in your business:

Your strategy feels overly complex, with dozens of initiatives and no clear focus
You're constantly chasing competitors' moves instead of designing your own category
Your team struggles to articulate your strategy clearly and execute it
You're stuck in incremental thinking, missing opportunities for bold category creation
You know you need to differentiate, but you're not sure exactly how to do it

...then The Strategy Sprint is for you.

A simple, differentiated strategy delivers legendary results.

At Category Pirates, we've seen how traditional strategy planning is just "budget cockfighting."

Companies drown in 200-page decks, react to competitors, and grind out incremental gains. The top consulting firms make "strategy" a billion-dollar complexity business because the more complicated it is, the higher the fees.

We knew there had to be a better way.

The Strategy Sprint email course is a radically simplified approach to business strategy.

• Learn what's holding you back from creating a new and different strategy
• See why it's important to strip your strategy to a single page
• Know what to focus on when it comes to strategy (besides your competitors)

It transforms everything.

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Skip mistakes, dodge complexity, and start to create a clear business strategy.

Here's a preview of the strategy fundamentals you'll learn:

Day 1
Escaping the Complexity Trap

Why simple strategies beat complex plans (and how to streamline yours)

• Discover the 3 dangerous traps leaders fall into while seeking simplicity
• Why complex, competition-focused strategies often mask a lack of clarity and decisiveness
• Learn why a radically simple strategy enables faster decisions and bold differentiation

Day 2
Confronting Hard Truths

How to Get Brutally Honest About What Makes You Different (and What Doesn't)

• Why knowing what makes you special causes the Complexity Trap
• A simple test to determine if your company lacks brutal honesty
• Why most brands solve their own problems instead of their customers
• The 3 big questions you need to be asking yourself to honestly assess where your company is at

Day 3
Finding the Courage to Be Different

Why playing to win often means playing a different game entirely

• Why most company executives are afraid to make bold strategic choices
• See the 3 strategies for market "domination" and why only 1 leads to legendary results
• Discover the "7 Levers of Different" framework to map your path to an uncontested category

Day 4
Becoming Your Customers' Biggest Champion

How to uncover your customers' deepest needs and build a category around them

• How to quit the vicious cycle of incremental improvements (and focus on exponential growth instead)
• Why 95% of companies have the strategic intelligence of a monkey (and how to stop aping about strategy)
• Why and how legendary companies sell the problem before the solution

Day 5
Winning the Category Battle

The key to shaping a legendary future through “zero-based” strategy and an abundance mindset

• Learn why incremental strategic thinking keeps you stuck in a shrinking box
• How to cultivate abundance mindset and craft a category-leading strategy
• How to conduct a zero-based category strategy session

Get Started Now

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Still not sure if The Strategy Sprint is for you?

We get it. Shifting your entire strategic approach is a big deal.

You might be wondering:

• "Can I boil my strategy down to a single page?"
"Will a simplified approach overlook my business's unique challenges?"
"What if our new strategy is too different for the market?"
• "Is it worth shaking things up if what we're doing is working okay?"

These are smart questions and reasonable fears.

All category designers wrestle with doubts!

In a world of accelerating change and hyper-competition, playing it safe is the riskiest move. If you're not making your category obsolete, someone else will.

Just look at Blackberry.

They incrementally optimized until Apple's iPhone blindsided them. It forced everyone to confront the reality. Blackberry's strategy, obsessing over buttons and email, missed the mark.

They were anchored in the past.

Meanwhile, Apple went all-in on touchscreens, apps, and user experience. The team got radically honest that success would be won on simplicity, not specs.

Apple followed the Strategy Therapy process:

• Brutal Honesty about what matters to customers
• Radical Courage to re-imagine the smartphone category
• Simplicity through clarity to nail the experience

That changed its destiny.

Apple defined a new category and unleashed a mobile revolution.

Was it scary? Incredibly.
Was it hard? Insanely.
Was it worth it? Abso-f'ing-lutely.

That's the power of a simply strategy. It gives you the honesty, courage, and clarity to claim your spot as a Category Queen.

If you're ready to design and dominate your category, we'll help you in The Strategy Sprint.

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Does this free email course contain everything there is to know about strategy? 

Of course not. That's a lifelong journey.

But it DOES contain the fundamental mindset that will elevate your strategy from tactical to transformational. From competing to creating. From fighting for your share to growing the pie.

Because when you have the clarity to see your path and the courage to commit to it...anything becomes possible.

Come join your fellow pirates and transform the strategy status quo!