
The Lightning Strike Strategy: How To Plan An Annual Marketing Strategy That Solidifies Your Leadership Position

Listen to the way most CMOs talk about their budget, and what you’ll hear is this:

“I’m not sure that’s in my budget.”

As a result, most marketing budgets get treated like a service bureau where everyone in the company gets a say as to where money should be spent. The result? “Peanut butter marketing” that gets spread around equally, yielding little to no meaningful results for the company.

Want to know how legendary CMOs create annual marketing plans that make a huge difference in the marketplace?

In this “mini-book” you will learn:

  • Why the CMO needs to build a legendary relationship with the CFO (and the marketing & finance departments need to work together).
  • How to throttle your marketing budget at the end of every quarter.
  • Why Reach & Frequency marketing strategies don’t work, and the reason companies should operate on a 2-3x per year Lightning Strike marketing model.
  • How Hershey, Macy’s, Apple, Chegg, and Amazon have executed some of the greatest Lightning Strike marketing campaigns in history.
  • And more

Short, sweet, and jam-packed with incredibly valuable insights, this “mini-book” explains why year-long marketing should not be your dominant focus, and explains the exponential benefits of mattering to your most loyal customers just a few times per year.

The Lightning Strike Strategy: How To Plan An Annual Marketing Strategy That Solidifies Your Leadership Position



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